To be recognized as the leading Oil Marketing Company through fair play, outstanding performance, weighing employees as an asset and standing tall to our core values.
Our Mission
To meet customers’ satisfaction through quality service and professional commitment by resolving to build a culture of honor code which we continuously improve.
Ensuring the highest priority to customer’s service and providing quality products.
Maintaining the highest level of expertise and knowledge among our personnel (employees) through high quality induction, continuing education and on-the-job training.
Maintaining investment in technology and knowledge at a significant level to ensure continuous growth.
To serve the national interests in petrochemical and petroleum related sectors in accordance and consistency with Government policies.
To maximize utilization of the existing facilities for improving efficiency and increasing productivity.
To avail all viable opportunities, both national and global, arising out of the Government of Pakistan’s policy of liberalization and reforms.
To earn a reasonable rate of return on investment.
Towards Customers And Dealers:
To provide efficient service and quality products at competitive prices.
Towards Suppliers:
To ensure prompt dealings with integrity, impartiality and courtesy.
Towards Employees:
To develop their capabilities and facilitate their advancement through appropriate training and career planning. To consider employee as an asset thereby ensuring best possible health facilities and sound personnel policies.
Towards Community:
To develop techno-economically and environment-friendly products. To maintain the highest standards in respect of occupation health, safety, and environment.